- CSDB received accreditation from the Colorado Department of Education.
1962 - 1974
- Armin Turecheck was appointed Superintendent.
- Chase Stone Vocational Building was built.
- Lions Dining Hall for the blind was built.
- Preschool was built.
- Adams Building was completed, allowing for the separation of the deaf and the blind each to their own specific needs and facilities..
- Athletic field was added by the 52nd Engineering Battalion, Fort Carson, and the Colorado Springs Jaycees.
Gary Washington, CSDB Athlete, received the Steinmark Award from the Colorado High School Coaches Association and competed in track and field events at the Deaflympics, winning three gold medals and a silver medal. He was also honored by the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame and traveled to the White House to visit with President Richard Nixon. He went on to play football for the University of Colorado.
- A bridge over Pikes Peek Avenue was added
- A guided running track east of Adams was added.
- Robert T. Dawson was appointed Superintendent.
- Enrollment: 267 deaf, 78 blind, 19 deafblind
- Federal Law 94-142, Education for All Handicapped Children's Act was passed to provide free education appropriate to the student's need, with placement of the student in the least restrictive environment. This resulted in lower CSDB enrollment
- 8-man state championship in football