Coach: Cheryl Austin and Ashley Renslow
Strategic Goal
As Colorado's premier resource on birth through high school education of the blind/visually impaired and deaf/hard of hearing, CSDB will be known statewide for its positive and successful collaboration with families, school districts and other stakeholders.
5-Year Goal
CSDB’s Outreach Department will provide a greater and more responsive array of integrated services and expertise in educating blind/visually impaired and deaf/hard of hearing learners from birth through high school to families, school districts and other stakeholders in the state.
5A Strategic Goal Area: Trainings and Workshops
Team Captain: Ashley Renslow
Players: Jennifer McLellan, Dana Baldiviez
Objective 1
Increase variety of statewide trainings and workshops for families and professionals.
- Develop, document, and communicate a catalog of in-person and web-based trainings and workshops for families and professionals.
- Provide surveys after CSDB trainings and workshops to guide future areas of focus.
- Investigate and prioritize trainings and workshops based upon prior attendance, survey results, requests, and funding.
- Identify and provide individualized support, trainings, workshops, and resources needed by families as members of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) team.
5B Strategic Goal Area: Early Education Programs
Team Captain: Ashley Renslow
Players: Sara Noel, Donna Keale, Jennifer McLellan, Jennifer Thompson, Kirsten Gardzelewski, Kelly Doolittle
Objective 1
Have updated documents, resources, and services for increased collaboration and communication.
- Develop more collaborative relationships between various consumer groups and CSDB to ensure all options are considered and provided to families.
- Investigate streamlining the process for providing families with a full list of possible options/services to allow for all appropriate providers to be invited to IFSP meetings.
- Investigate and develop a process on bridging early intervention and child find/school-based services to address the needs of the child during this transition period for families.
Objective 2
Offer a variety of on and off campus services for children birth through age 5 who are DHH or BVI.
- Expand birth to 5 programs offered to families of Deaf children to also include families outside of El Paso county.
- Investigate and provide birth to 5 program opportunities for families with children who are blind/visually impaired.
- Decrease number of families waiting for participation in Colorado Shared Reading Project by 10% each year.
- Work collaboratively with other state agencies and groups (El Colorado and EHDI), to ensure all children in CHIP are receiving consistent and standardized services.
5C Strategic Goal Area: School-aged (itinerant) services and programming (ages 3+ thru 21)
Team Captain: Kathy Emter
Players: Donna Keale, Aaron Crow, Autumn Odette
Objective 1
Expand Outreach school-aged services to provide additional opportunities.
- Communicate and plan hosted events for preschool through 5th grade students and their families.
- Communicate and plan hosted events for students (6th-12th grade) and their families.
- Explore and expand options for providing support/services for transition age students (18-21) to include their own communities.
- Expand provision of in-person and remote access to role models for students and families.
Objective 2
Increase collaboration with school districts, service providers and stakeholders statewide.
A. Explore and provide opportunities for professional development and collaboration with districts across the state in their provision of school-aged services.
5D Strategic Goal Area: Collaboration and Resources
Team Captain: Dale Wolf
Players: Ashley Renslow, Jim Olson, Dana Baldiviez, Cindy Cummings, Cara Johnson
Objective 1
Establish and increase opportunities for collaboration.
- Identify and increase opportunities for internal collaboration among Outreach and on-campus programs.
- Identify and increase opportunities for external collaboration between CSDB, Outreach programs, school districts, and consumer groups.
Objective 2
- Establish an avenue for broadly sharing a variety of high-quality resources and programs.
- Expand ASL programming. Increase the breadth of Expanded Core Curriculum Resources and Programs.