Story Telling + Music + Activities + Fun + Friends= Literacy Events!
What is an Early Literacy Event?
The Early Literacy events offered through the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, Outreach Programs, are available to Colorado families with children who are Deaf or hard of hearing, birth through age five years old. In-person events and literacy activities are offered in the following regions:
- Northern Colorado
- Denver Metro
- Pikes Peak
Each Early Literacy event provides families with a rich literacy experience and strategies to promote their child’s language and literacy development. Families actively participate in a variety of activities which may include:
- Story time presented in American Sign Language (ASL) with spoken English interpretation
- Music and movement activities
- Hands-on literacy activities
- Take home literacy activities
- Parent education focusing on a variety of topics
- Time to meet and interact with other families who have children who are Deaf or hard of hearing
- Opportunities to meet adults who are Deaf or hard of hearing
- Opportunities to meet professionals serving families with children who are Deaf or hard of hearing
The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind and its staff respect and value families’ communication choices. Activities are presented using various modes of communication and are designed to encourage a child’s literacy skills.
Families with young children who are Deaf or hard of hearing between newborn and through age 5 are welcome to attend.

Virtual Early Literacy Event
Join us for our virtual event for children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, from birth to age 3, and their families.
Reading the book How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
(families who attend the event will receive a mailed copy of the book)
WHEN: Wednesday, November 13, 2204
WHO: Birth to 3
TIME: 10-10:30 AM
RSVP by Monday, November 11, 2024
Community Early Literacy Event
Join us for the Pikes Peak region community event for children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, from birth to age 8 and their families
Longneck Pumpkin Farm
7595 California Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80923
CSDB will pay admission for each DHH child and one accompanying adult (limited scholarships available, please contact Ashley Renslow)
RSVP by Monday, September 30, 2024
We hope you join an event very soon!
To receive information, please complete form