We offer a wide range of activities for CSDB day students and residential students. Many of our clubs are ideas from our students. We love to encourage all our students to explore their interests. Students are guided through the process of starting a new club and planning what to do for each meeting with a staff sponsor. This program is designed to help students identify personal interests while developing social skills and physical competence. Activities rotate on a quarterly basis and include Deaf Academic Bowl, Flag Football, E-Sports, Girls on the Run, Pee-Wee basketball, sports clinics, Survival club, yoga, music, swimming, tandem biking, arts, crafts, and much more.
Fall Activities
- Elementary Outdoor Adventures
- Flag Football-Middle and High School
Winter Activities
- Elementary Indoor Adventures
- Pee Wee Basketball (2nd-5th Grade)
Spring Activities
- Elementary Outdoor Adventures
- Archery Club (Blind MS and HS Students)
- Soccer Club (MS and HS Students)
Year-Round Activities
- Student Body Government
- Academic Bowl (Deaf School)
- Intramural/Open Gym Activities
- Bulldogs Activity Center Social
- PRIDE Store
- And a lot more!
All parents of students participating in Afterschool activities must fill out the form below and return to Jaimie Valencia, Activities Specialist & Athletic Director