Then & Now


Photography offers a way of comparing the present with the past, of comparing the way CSDB looks now to the way it looked then.  The CSDB students and staff replicated historic photos from CSDB's history.  These photos will help chronicle our journey as well as gauge our progress.



View from CSDB to Pike Peak
The left picture was taken in 1875, horseshoe driveway leading to Bijou St and farmland. The right picture was taken in 2023, horseshoe driveway with cars, view of city scape. Both pictures have Pikes Peak in background.

Student Staff Admin Now & Then
The picture on the left, taken in 1876 is of students & staff in front of Old Main. The picture on the right, taken in 2023 is of students & staff in front of the administration building.



Then & Now Band October 2023
The picture on the left, is of the Blind Boys' Eclipse Cornett Band in 1894. The picture on right is the boys and girls Bulldog Band in 2023..

Then & Now Classroom
The picture on the left is a classroom in the late 1800's. The picture on the right is a classroom in 2023.



1910-Two new streetcars on Kiowa Street full of people stopped on the tracks in front of the CSDB Administration Building. 2023- two CSDB vans stopped on Kiowa Street full of students, in front of the CSDB Administration Building, heads out for a field trip.
1910-Two new streetcars on Kiowa Street stopped on the tracks in front of the CSDB Administration Building. 2023- two CSDB vans stopped on Kiowa Street full of students, in front of the CSDB Administration Building, heads out for a field trip.

1914- CSDB adopted the “Grow What You Eat” plan to expand the gardens, as is happening in this horse-drawn plow with driver photo, Industrial Building in the background. 2023- the campus uses staff riding mowers to crop the grass and keep the campus beautiful as in this photo with the Industrial Building in the background.
1914- CSDB adopted the “Grow What You Eat” plan to expand the gardens, as shown in this photo of a horse-drawn plow with driver. 2023- the campus uses staff riding mowers to crop the grass & keep the campus beautiful. Industrial building in both pictures.



Then & Now Art Class
In 1927, one of the trades added to the CSDB class schedule was producing pieces of art. Art class was for boys in the School for the Deaf. Now, art class is for all students, Preschool through 12th grade, boys and girls.

This 1937 photo shows Lake MacDonald, near the SW corner of the campus, and a garden on the land just below what was Girls Hall and the Administration Building Now, that corner contains grass and trees with Brown Hall and the Administration Building in the background.
This 1937 photo shows Lake MacDonald, near the SW corner of campus, and a garden on the land just below what was Girls Hall and the Admin Building Now, that corner contains grass and trees with Brown Hall & the Administration Building in the background.



Gottlieb 1950 and Gottlieb Now
Left: In 1950, the School Building where all students attended, caught fire. Flames & smoke shot from the roof. Firemen used a hose to try to put the fire out. Right: Now, the Gottlieb Building primarily houses School for the Deaf programs.



Left side, five CSDB cheerleaders in 1966 and on the right four CSDB cheerleaders in 2024
Left, 1966 CSDB Cheerleaders, girls from the School for the Deaf, bring spirit to the game. Right, 2024 CSDB Cheerleaders, girls and boys from both schools, provide a rousing performance.

On the left in the 1960's 3 students standing in front of a sink, looking in the mirror and brushing their teeth. On the right 3 boys in 2024 standing in front of a sink, looking in the mirror and brushing their teeth.
Left (black and white photo), in the 1960's, three boys in pajamas stand at three sinks brushing their teeth; Right (colored photo), in 2024, three boys in pajamas stand at three sinks brushing their teeth.



erre Scofield, School for the Blind Class of 1983, and current staff member, was one of the first to try it. Right: A student serves a goalball to start play while another waits in position.
Left: Jerre Scofield, School for the Blind Class of 1983, and current staff member, was one of the first to try it. Right: A student serves a goalball to start play while another waits in position.

On the left is the 1998 Homecoming Court and the 2024 on the right.  The top picture is the School for the Blind and the bottom picture is the School for the Deaf
On the Left: 1998 Homecoming Court: upper, School for the Blind; lower, School for the Deaf. On the right: 2024 Homecoming Court: upper, School for the Blind; lower, School for the Deaf