Colorado Home Inclusion Program (CHIP), a collaborative model of early intervention services, is designed specifically to provide services for families who have children who are Deaf and hard of hearing, ages birth to three years old.

This family-centered program includes collaboration with the local Community Centered Boards (CCBs) to meet the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) needs and goals through visits from a parent facilitator who work for the CCBs. The CHIP facilitators have specialized expertise in the field of deafness and are licensed as:
- Teacher of the Deaf, or
- Audiologist, or
- Speech Language Pathologist
These professionals also have extensive knowledge in areas such as auditory training, language planning, and the impact of hearing loss on a child’s development.
Children are referred to the program by pediatric audiologists through the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) process in Colorado and are eligible for services established by the Early Intervention (EI) Colorado eligibility criteria.
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
A Parent's Guide to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Early Intervention Recommendations
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Guidance Manual
CHIP Brochure-English-Coming Soon!
CHIP Brochure-Spanish-Coming Soon!
Fathering a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child: An Onboarding Checklist for Dads