Coach: Tera Spangler
Strategic Goal
CSDB will be widely recognized for its array of high quality, rigorous, engaging, and equitable instructional programs, and services.
5-Year Goal
Instructional and Support Services staff will have the tools, training, and expertise to provide high quality, rigorous, consistent instruction, assessment, and behavior supports that are responsive to unique learner needs and result in increased student achievement.
2A. Strategic Goal Area: Core Classroom Practices / Universal Prevention (Tier I)
Team Captain: Jennifer Thompson
Players: Jamie Lugo, Allison Sambrook, Shelby Dye, Amy Gunning, Aaron Crow, Kyle Berns
Objective 1
Create, implement, and evaluate core classroom universal Tier I instructional practices.
- Establish a culture of clear and consistent instructional expectations and implement universal Tier I instructional practices in each course/classroom.
- Provide training and support for staff on universal Tier I instruction practices and monitor to ensure fidelity.
- Evaluate effectiveness of Tier I instructional practices and monitor student progress and achievement.
Objective 2
Create, implement, and evaluate core classroom universal Tier I social-emotional and behavioral practices.
- Establish clear and consistent classroom expectations and implement identified Tier I social-emotional and behavioral practices in each course/classroom.
- Provide training and support for staff on universal Tier I behavior practices and monitor to ensure fidelity.
- Evaluate effectiveness of Tier I behavior practices and monitor student learner progress.
Objective 3
Establish a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) team to analyze data and identify students who need additional support in academics and social emotional behavioral areas.
- Develop a clear and equitable process that identifies students who need targeted prevention and group intervention in the area of academics and social-emotional/behavior.
2B. Strategic Goal Area: Targeted Prevention/Group Intervention (Tier II) and Individualized Prevention/Intensive Intervention (Tier III)
Team Captain: Heather Nunley
Players: Jennifer Thompson, Jamie Lugo, Allison Sambrook, Shelby Dye, Amy Gunning, Tina Bos, Kyle Berns
Objective 1
Create, implement, and evaluate a consistent structure for effectively addressing academic and social-emotional/behavioral needs of students identified for targeted prevention/group intervention (Tier II).
- Identify research-based interventions, establish a process for placing students into appropriate tier II academic and/or social-emotional/behavioral intervention, and monitor progress to meet the needs of students identified as at risk in Tier I.
- Provide training and support for staff on Tier II interventions and monitor implementation to ensure fidelity.
- Evaluate effectiveness of Tier II interventions and monitor student learner progress.
Objective 2
Create, implement, and evaluate a consistent structure for effectively addressing academic and social-emotional/behavioral needs of students identified for individualized prevention/intensive intervention (Tier III).
- Identify research-based interventions, establish a process for placing students into appropriate tier III academic and/or social-emotional/behavioral intervention, and monitor progress to meet the needs of students identified as at risk in Tier I and II.
- Provide training and support for staff on Tier III interventions and monitor implementation to ensure fidelity.
- Evaluate effectiveness of Tier III interventions and monitor student learner progress.
Objective 3
Establish a system to identify students who need additional academic or social-emotional/behavioral support beyond Tier III and make a Multi-disciplinary team referral.
- Review Tier III data to identify students who are not making progress after intensive intervention.
2C Strategic Goal Area: On-line and Blended Learning
Team Captain: Heather Nunley, Liz Arnquist
Players: Jennifer Thompson, Jamie Lugo, Allison Sambrook, Shelby Dye, Kyle Berns, Aaron Crow
Objective 1
Create opportunities for Deaf and Blind CSDB learners as well as eligible, appropriate, and interested non-CSDB learners who are Deaf or Blind to participate in courses in-person or online on an equitable platform.
- Ensure learners have needed equipment/resources including internet access and assistive technology.
- Determine needs and plan for providing online courses.
- Ensure on-line programs are high quality, rigorous, and accessible.
- Provide staff responsible for online instruction and services with appropriate professional development.
2D Strategic Goal Area: Transition Education
Team Captain: Jennifer Holt
Objective 1
Establish a comprehensive program for addressing transition education beginning in preschool.
- Establish and implement a comprehensive scope and sequence plan for preschool to age 21.
- Identify and modify transition curriculum and assessment.
- Review courses, curriculum, and resources available at CSDB and merge best practices to transition curriculum.
- Modify and expand current transition plan.