Adams building scientists

Written by Shannon Lovern, School for the Blind Science TVI

The young scientists in the CSDB Adams Building have been busy this first quarter with a multitude of investigations, experiments, and observations. Students incorporated literacy by writing a song, a rap, or a poem about renewable resources and the importance they have for sustaining life. Below is one of the poems:

Renewable Resources

Renewable resources, the resources of our Earth.
We need them from our birth.
Rain showers give us flowers,
But it also gives us powers.
Sun rays hit uneven ground,
Creating wind all around.
If the sun grows old, 
It turns red and is enough to wake the dead. 

The scientists have also used their understanding of the germination process and planted sunflower seeds and/or pumpkin seeds. They have tended to them and watched them sprout. Additionally, experiments and observations are in full swing. They’ve implemented the scientific method and are currently in the data collection phase. Soon they will be able to answer their questions, can a plant grow with only a disco ball for light? And, which will affect the penny more, soda or toothpaste?

The image below is from a field trip that the Adams scientists went on. They were invited to participate in the National Federation for the Blind of Colorado State Convention in Denver. The focus for the day was Science and Health and Wellness. The young scientists participated in exploring tactile art and dry ice experiments. They learned a valuable lesson that science can sometime be unpredictable, but even when an experiment does not go as planned, they learned and observed and can use those observations to try again.