December 2024
A holiday tradition continues! Yesterday, staff and students were invited to say hello to Superintendent Spangler and enjoy a holiday cookie with hot chocolate or fruit punch. It was a great time to socialize with one another and relax for a few minutes mid-school day. Thanks to The Sugarplum Cake Shoppe for the beautiful cookies!

December 2024
Come join us!
- CSDB Annual Holiday Craft Fair
- Bazaar for Handmade Products & Photos with Santa Claus
- December 7, 2024
- 10:00am-3:00pm
- Main Gym, located at the corner of Pikes Peak Ave & Hancock Ave.

November 2024
Come Join Us!
- Holiday Lighting
- ASL Santa, Hot Cocoa, Sounds
- December 4, 2024
- 5:00 PM
Meet at the Administration Building
- 33 N. Institute St
- Colorado Springs
To avoid lines to check-in please RSVP
November 2024
Please join us for an in-person town hall meeting on Monday, Nov. 18 in the Gottlieb Building on campus from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The November town hall will provide updates from Superintendent Tera Spangler and introduce the CSDB Leadership Team to learn more about their priorities and areas of focus. The public will have a chance to meet and greet with each member of the Leadership Team. Voice and ASL interpreters will be provided. Meet in front of the administration building on 33 N. Institute Street.

September 2024
September 2024
Universal P.R.I.D.E Expectations for all students to Learn, Grow, and Thrive
P: Positive Attitude
R: Respect
I: Independence
D: Determination
E: Excellence
September 2024
CSDB received a micro-grant from the Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA) to use towards adding ASL accessibility to our website content. The funds will go towards hiring a native ASL signer for these videos.

August 2024
August 2024
June 2024
CSDB Outreach hosted a multiday ASL immersion for families. Adults participated in ASL classes, while children enjoyed various games, crafts, and opportunities to learn ASL. Each day everyone gathered together for meals and fun family activities.
June 2024
Thanks, Denver TV 7 News (ABC) for this wonderful interview with Superintendent Spangler!
"Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind celebrates 150 years with historic superintendent at the helm."

May 2024
Thank you to the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College for hosting the CSDB School for the Blind students as they exhibited their tactile art and performance skills.
(The:60 video has audio description, background music, and captions when voicing is used.)
May 2024
May 2024
May 2024

May 2024
April 2024
April 2024
April 2024
April 2024
Staff wearing solar eclipse glasses looking at the partial eclipse (April 8, 2024)

April 2024
The BSN Team Sports website is now accepting online orders for CSDB 150th Year apparel! The deals end in 14 days and on April 15th, the company will ship your orders.
BSN Fundraiser Website
Image: Sample choices including six short-sleeved t-shirts with the CSDB 150th logo

March 2024
Our Goalball Homecoming was canceled last week due to the big snowstorm. We, Bulldogs, won't allow that to stop us from bringing the loud spirit to the CSDB gym for the rescheduled Pep Rally and Staff vs. Students Goalball. What a great day it was!
At the Pep Rally, we recognized our Homecoming Royalty, class winners, Bulldogs band, and all of the spirited attendees.
{Photo Description - Text on top "CSDB Pep Rally" and text on the bottom- "Students vs. Staff Goalball Game". 9-photo collage, starting with the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner. 1- Seven students from Adams School wearing Homecoming Royalty sashes and smiling for a photo. 2- Bulldogs Bonecrusher and Max signing "Bulldogs". 3- Bulldogs band playing on stage. 4- Two players diving to block the goalball. 5- A staff member throws the goalball onto the court. 6- A group photo of all goalball players and staff/community members with the Bonecrusher Bulldogs by the goalball court. 7- Four students cheer their senior class as winners, with two students holding up two redbones. 8- Bonecrusher Bulldog signing "ILY" toward the camera. 9- Six students from Gottlieb School wearing Homecoming Royalty sashes and smiling for a photo. With the CSDB 150th logo on the bottom-left corner.}

March 2024
Check out Max Wilding, our Athletics Director, during this one-minute VLOG about Homecoming!!
February 2024
In the Colorado Home Intervention Program (CHIP), under the Outreach Programs at the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB), we are committed to equity and inclusion. We are deeply committed to supporting children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families throughout the state. Given this commitment, we are reviewing the program and updating policies, procedures, and outdated terminology. The terminology for Colorado Hearing Resource Coordinator (CO-Hear) is outdated and ready for a change. We are looking forward to gathering input and ideas about a name change for this position from the community and stakeholders. Submit your suggestion via the Google link. Please be on the lookout for upcoming opportunities to provide additional feedback and suggestions for consideration of our program. We appreciate the continued support and partnership with families, collaborators, and community members.
February 2024
February 2024
Our Academic Bowl team is prepared to travel to the West Regional Matches hosted by Gallaudet University at New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We will be competing against 16 schools in the west regionals.
To follow the tournament and access the live stream, please visit the Gallaudet University Youth Programs website.

![top, girl serves a goalball while another centers onto the line; lower, coach and student work side-by-side training on the serve while other boys are nearby.]](/sites/csdb/files/styles/image_card/public/goal_ball_2_0.jpg)
January 2024
Visit our Career Pages for current job postings,

December 2023
Celebrating Holiday Sweater Day at CSDB! Twelve holiday sweaters and one snowman cap in this "Staff Holiday Sweater Day" collage. One of the shirts has moose made from her grandchildren's feet! So cute, Janet!!

December 2023
CSDB Holiday Lightening Ceremony
[This video is audio described with background music, and captioned when voicing is used.]

November 2023
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Main Gym
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
November 2023
November 2023

November 2023
CSDB PSO Meeting
Where: CSDB Admin
33 N. Institute
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
November 9, 2023
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Reunión de la Organización de Padres de CSDB (PSO)
Dónde: Oficina de Administración de CSDB
33 N. Institute
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
9 de noviembre de 2023
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
¡Únete a nosotros!
Conviértete en miembro de PSO
$10 anual/ cheque o efectivo
¡Aprenda mas sobre PSO!
Intérprete proporcionado
Comuníquese con Jess en

October 2023
Bulldogs Unite Against Bullying! For 60-seconds you'll experience students and staff creating a unity chain linking each other together on Unity Day.
October 2023
White Cane Day
Here's 60 seconds of fun video showing CSDB students celebrating White Cane Day! #WhiteCaneDay
[This video is audio described, voiced over, captioned when voicing occurs, and has background music.]
October 2023
What an Honor!!
CSDB School for the Blind Principal Jamie Lugo was honored with the Outstanding Principal Award by the Council of Schools & Services for the Blind (COSB) at its annual Leadership Institute. CSDB Interim Superintendent, Tera Spangler, nominated Jamie for this prestigious award, which was presented at the COSB Annual Awards Banquet by Cheryl Austin, Dean of Students, CSDB School for the Blind.
Congratulations Jamie!

October 2023
Southern Colorado Construction Career Days!
This:58 video shows the construction volunteers introducing careers in this field to our students.
[This video contains background music and audio description.]
September 2023
Flag football and bowling, only two of many after-school activities for our students.
This 60-second video shows some of the fun.
September 2023
Celebrating the Arts! We are so lucky to have great art teachers, at CSDB. Students in the School for the Blind are experiencing art and preparing for the White Cane Day art exhibition. Students in the School for the Deaf are recreating art celebrating De'Via.
[This video is audio described with background music.]

September 2023
Celebrate reading! For 60-seconds, experience a small-group reading, with CSDB board members joining in, and a visit to the Pikes Peak Library District bookmobile.
(This video has audio description and background music)
August 2023
Very young children experiencing language through play and fun. It's the Little Language Learners program!
(This video is audio described with background music)
August 2023
Preschool started on Monday, August 21st. This 60-second video has a barrel of cuteness!
(Audio description is included along with captions when their is voicing. The video has background music)
August 2023
Huge smiles on the 1st Day of School!
(This 60-second video has audio description, captions when there is voicing and has background music)
August 2023
Joyful! Get a load of the smiles from our students as they register for school!
[This video is audio described with background music.]
August 2023
So great to see CSDB families and students today, during Registration Day!

August 2023
Registration information!
Day Students: All families, PK-12th grade and transition students who reside in or near Colorado Springs, registration for day students for the CSDB 2023-24 School Year is Friday, August 4, 1:00pm-6:00pm. Parking will be available in the Gottlieb lot near Kiowa and Institute Streets. Bring ID to check in at the Administration Building.
Dorm Students: All families, PK-12th grade and transition students who reside outside of the Pikes Peak region, Sunday, August 13, come to CSDB to register your child and get them settled into the dorm, starting at 3:00pm. From 5:00pm – 6:30pm, we will be serving pizza and salad to the dorm staff, students, and their families as a kick-off to the school year. Please contact Amanda Padilla, by texting or calling 719-726-0108, as soon as possible, to provide us with information about how and when your student will arrive at CSDB. Parking will be available in the west side lots near Kiowa and Institute Streets. Bring ID to check in at the Administration Building.

July 2023
Cranes, forklifts and a cherry-picker! We've got them all at CSDB, and the Facilities team to make everything work together.
July 2023

June 2023
WE ARE HIRING! We have many teacher positions available! Below are a few listed, check out our website to see if you obtain the qualifications to join our amazing team.
Graphic: A white flyer with a red stripe, a megaphone announcing WE ARE Hiring! Join our team! Below are a few teaching positions listed, NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf / Spoken English-Preschool/Early Education Program, NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Visually Impaired (Preschool), NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf, NON-CLASSIFIED: Transition Teacher - Blind/Visually Impaired Program. On the left-hand corner is the CSDB logo.

June 2023
COME JOIN OUR TEAM, while looking at our beautiful Rocky Mountains daily.
WE ARE HIRING a Principal for the School for the Deaf. We encourage you to take a look at our website to see what qualifications are needed.
Graphic: A red, black, and white flyer that states we are hiring, Principal School for the Deaf. On the bottom left-hand corner is the CSDB logo, and on the right-hand corner it states apply at our website:

June 2023
WE ARE HIRING, we have many great positions available. A few of our open positions are listed down below. We highly encourage you to check out our website at to view each position and what qualifications are needed.
Graphic: A white flyer with a light gray border, and red stars on the top left-hand corner, the top left-hand corner, and the bottom right-hand corner have red, black, light gray, and dark gray stripes along the border of the flyer. The Flyer reads WE ARE HIRING! Open Jobs Available: NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf, NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf / Spoken English-Preschool/Early Education Program, NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Visually Impaired, NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Visually Impaired (Preschool), NON-CLASSIFIED: Transition Teacher - Blind/Visually Impaired Program. Our CSDB logo is on the bottom right-hand corner.

June 2023
Cute 60 second video about our 150th Celebration Kickoff ceremony!
THE 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR!
Visit our website for more information about CSDB, and
how you can apply to be a part of our team.
Graphic: White flyer with black stapler, 2 red pencils, 2 gray rulers, and black scissors, around the border, In the middle in black reads Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, in red TEACHERS NEEDED!! In black reads Apply to the open teacher positions below to be a part of our 2023/2024 school year! Open positions: -NON-CLASSIFIED: Special Education Teacher / Teacher of the Deaf (K-12) -NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf -NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf (ASL-Preschool/Early Education, Programs), -NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf / Spoken English-Preschool/Early Education Program, -NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Deaf: Literacy Specialist / Coach, -NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Visually Impaired, -NON-CLASSIFIED: Teacher of the Visually Impaired (Preschool)PARAPROFESSIONAL - TEMPORARY AIDE, -State Teacher Aide (Paraprofessional) / School for the Deaf.

June 2023
The CSDB Media Production team created this terrific 60 second graduation video.
[This video is audio described, voiced over, captioned in appropriate spots and has background music.]
May 2023
Here is some 5K fun!
2023 Commencement
May 2023
2023 Commencement
Friday, May 26, 2023 ~ 10:00 a.m.
Weiner-Galluzzo Multi-Purpose Facility
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Watch our Livestream at

Employer Appreciation Breakfast
May 2023
Thank you to the community businesses and agencies who support CSDB students!
May 2023
9:00am -10:15am Elementary Race
10:15am-10:30am Preschool Race
10:30am-11:45am Middle School, Hight School and BtL Race
Families join us in running or walking the 5K with our students and staff OR bring your lawn chair and cheer on the 5K participants!

May 2023
Enjoy highlights from last week's art exhibition opening and student performance at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College.