New Preschool Curriculum

A new year, a new school, new friends, new teachers, and new curriculum to match it all! While any preschool is certain to bring a variety of newness to any child’s life, this is certainly true for the CSDB preschool this year. In addition to many new students and a new teacher, CSDB’s preschool is also implementing the HighScope curriculum for the first time! HighScope is a preschool curriculum that is centered around active learning, building adult-child interactions, establishment of a daily routine, child-centered problem solving, and teaching in the context of children’s interests.

Many aspects of the curriculum are unique to HighScope, including the plan-do-review structure. In this structure, students make a plan related to their “work” time, carry out their plan during work, and then review what was done during work time. Planning time gives children a structured, consistent chance to express their ideas to adults and to see themselves as individuals who can act on decisions. They experience the power of independence and are conscious of their intentions. During work time, children have opportunities to play, gather information, interact with peers, and solve problems. In recall time, students are given a chance to represent their work-time experience in a variety of ways. Reviewing permits children to reflect on what they did and how it was done and brings closure to children’s planning and work-time activities. Putting their ideas and experiences into words also facilitates children’s language development and enables children to represent their mental schemes to others.

Naturally, components of the curriculum have been adapted to be accessible both for students who are blind/visually impaired, and for students who are Deaf and hard of hearing. In CSDB’s preschool, you will find things such as tactile schedules, visual schedules, adapted area signs, chances to practice daily living skills, and a wide variety of sensory toys and tools to meet our students' individual needs. CSDB’s preschool team is excited to continue diving into this year, with our students by our side, as we grow and learn together!

Written by Sharon Kay, Teacher in the School for the Blind Preschool


left: three young boys and a teacher touch a lit-up shape board; right, two young boys play with trucks near a keyboard