Twelfth grade students in the School for the Blind Post-Secondary Preparation class are beginning work experiences in the community and on the CSDB campus as part of the class curriculum. During Post-Secondary Preparation (PSP) class, students learn skills to obtain a job such as Resume and Cover Letter writing and filling out job applications, Soft and Hard skills to keep a job, and budgeting skills. They also learn about Community Agencies and resources that are available to them after leaving CSDB and Post-Secondary preparation such as how and why to fill out a FASFA form, how to get needed accommodations and applying to college.
To practice soft skills that the students are learning such as punctuality, following instructions, active listening, social interaction etc. students receive work experience in the community. One student is volunteering at “Special Kids, Special Families” at the Zach’s Place location, two students are working at the Arc Thrift Store and one student is volunteering with the Music teacher in the School for the Blind at CSDB.
by Jennifer Holt