Registrar / Student Records


The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) states that a parent signature is not required for transfer of records between schools, however; we do require that all requests for student records be submitted in writing.  Third party requests will require an official authorization to release records, signed by either the student (if 18 or older) or the parent. 

You may fax your record requests to: Registrar, (719) 578-2241.

In order to reduce paperwork, we will start the process of purging some of the records in the student files five years after the student exits.  This pertains to records that are no longer needed for educational services.  Please know that all essential academic, psychological records and most recent IEP’s will be kept permanently on file at CSDB.  In order to maintain confidentiality, any records not being retained will be shredded.  If you wish to claim any non-essential records, please contact us before the record retention deadline.