October 2024
Elementary students in the School for the Deaf learned about different types of materials, natural and man-made. Then, they discussed which objects float and which don't. We then conducted an experiment to see if a boats with the same material, but different designs would hold the same weight. What a fun hands-on experience for these students!
October 2024
Students in the School for the Deaf had a special treat. Deaf mountaineers Scott & Shayna visited CSDB to share their experiences climbing mountains with students. In 2023, they made history when they reached the summit of Mt. Everest. Shayna is the first Deaf woman in the world to reach the top, and Scott is the first Deaf American. Our students were enthralled as they learned about how the duo accomplished this amazing feat.
September 2024
September 2024
Elementary students in the School for the Deaf spent time learning about feelings and emotions. This week's emotion was joy, represented by the color yellow. As part of the lesson, students discussed things that bring them joy. Then, they created memory orbs inspired by the movie, "Inside Out." They drew pictures on their orb to represent happy memories.
June 2024
The School for the Deaf students studied the artist Friday Kahlo, before the end of the school year. Middle school students created Mexican mirrors from glass pieces and mosaic tiles to honor her work. This exhibit of folk art was hung in Gottlieb's lobby. Thanks to Rachella Ortiz, School for the Deaf art teacher, for this photo and story.

May 2024

May 2024
The middle school students in the School for the Deaf reflected on what they love most about the earth and began watercolor paintings. The 3rd-5th grade students made floral wreaths out of toilet paper rolls, the K-2nd grade students engaged in a STEM project resulting in creating a biodegradable earth ornament, and the HS students walked around outside and took pictures for a photojournalism project.

May 2024
Celebrating a member of the Class of 2024, Rosa Orantes Molina. Congratulations!
(Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind-Graphic Bulldog-Photo of female student-Text: "Honoring the Class of 2024, Rosa Orantes Molina, School for the Deaf, Aurora, CO")

May 2024

May 2024

May 2024

April 2024

April 2024
In the School for the Deaf, students learn ASL and English at the same time in a dual-language environment. The elementary 3rd-5th graders were learning about Springtime signs. They also took pictures of the signs and the letters, spelling out "spring" and other spring vocabulary. They were so excited about spring knowing that summer was next! What a great group discussion!
Story and photo by Myranda Zigler

April 2024

March 2024
March is the month of Kindness, and in the School for the Deaf, Kindergarten through Middle School students who had art this quarter participated in the Hexagon Art Project. Each student thought about how to bring more kindness to people, animals, and the Earth and drew two representations on a hexagon template.
3rd to 5th-grade students learned about blending different soft oil pastel colors and created an animated shamrock!
Finally, K-2nd grade students created watercolor shamrocks and windsocks.
Also, middle school students took on the challenge of assembling and creating Celtic Knot artwork in honor of St Patrick's Day celebration! This was an intricate and complex assignment and they did well with it finalizing the front of it with the first letter of their names!
(Thank you to Rachella Ortiz, Art Teacher, for the stories and photos.)

March 2024
Learning About Presidents and America
Written by Heather Beume, Teacher of the Deaf, Elementary
Over the past few weeks, the School for the Deaf Elementary has been focusing on learning all about America and some of our famous Presidents! We have read about President’s Day; famous President speeches and the laws. We read one especially fun book called “Laws for Kids” where we read and discussed laws kids had to follow and how they were important. We also discussed voting and how to vote on laws and take polls. Students were able to create their own “voters’ registration” cards. We then took a practice poll in class where students voted on their favorite animals.
Next, our class began working on our “America” projects, where students created their mini-display boards to highlight all of their newfound knowledge. Students wrote about and discussed various things such as: what continent is America on, what the flag looks like, what habitats can be found within the country, what are some cultural elements, facts about America and their favorite fact that they have learned. Students then also took their knowledge of laws and applied it to their own creative thinking by designing their own law.
Once the projects/writing were completed, we gathered the rest of Elementary, as well as some fellow staff members, for our class to do a fun presentation! Students were encouraged to share their display boards with everyone, then present facts about America and the Presidents about which they had learned. I prompted a few questions and students were eager to share the various facts they had learned. Students then also shared what law they would create if they were to become President. Once these presentations were done, we returned to our classroom where students used their “voters registration cards” to vote on which of their peers’ presentations were the best, the winner being nominated “Class President”!

March 2024
Congratulations on having your topic selected and great job representing CSDB!!
Rachella Ortiz and Ashley Wood, Teachers in the School for the Deaf, recently presented at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference. 70 people attended to learn about Outreach programs and ASL Community Classes that CSDB offers. Also, they explained the history of ASL, language acquisition, language deprivation, and the importance of a Deaf child becoming fluent in ASL, along with the benefits for hearing preschool children to learn sign language.

March 2024
February 2024

February 2024

February 2024
In the School for the Deaf, last week, students had Valentine's votes for the best Romero Brito-inspired Valentine's art. The winner received an art prize from Rachella Ortiz, Art Teacher. Students also learned about Yago Partal the Zoo Portraits artist. K-2nd grade students made sweater bears while 3rd through 5th grade made Yayoi Kusama-inspired Valentine's hearts. The display has polka dots around it, to match her art style.

January 2024
![A male and female student, who is using ASL, working with a laptop in a classroom.]](/sites/csdb/files/styles/image_card/public/416352916_1162586675191868_3931613409997024962_n_0.jpg)
November 2023
Thanks to this CSDB family for instilling the importance of community service in their children! In this video, Hollywood, a student in the School for the Deaf, explains how he is preparing food for people in need. The family gave service to homeless people over the holiday break. Great job!!
October 2023
Students in the School for the Deaf Physics class are learning all about the states of matter, changes between states, physical and chemical changes, and changes in thermal energy all while making delicious vanilla ice cream. Who says learning about science isn't messy?
Written by Bryan Zigler, Middle/High School Science Teacher, School for the Deaf

Class of 2023-Mariah Gonzales
May 2023
Celebrating a member of the Class of 2023, Mariah Gonzales. Congratulations!

Class of 2023-Daisy Martin
May 2023
Celebrating a member of the Class of 2023, Daisy Martin. Congratulations!